You are here: Home Programs Hearing Conservation Programs Hearing Education

Employee Education is a critical component of a proper Hearing Conservation program.  Occu-Med provides employee education in conjunction with our mobile hearing testing and audiometric testing services.

Mobile Hearing Testing programs can include a 5 to 15 minute education session to be done while employees are in the audio testing truck  or by speaking to groups of employees before they go to the mobile hearing testing truck.

Hearing Education sessions typically address:

  • Noise-Induced Hearing Loss
  • How to protect one's hearing, and
  • Proper usage of Hearing Protection devices like ear plugs and muffs

Hearing Education can also be done independently of other audiometric testing programs for clients who want to train health & safety committee members, or re-inforce hearing conservation policies and the need for proper Hearing Protection at all times.

Contact us to learn how our hearing education and mobile hearing testing services can protect your firm.


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Building Blocks: Good Health

Design templateHealth promotion acts as the foundation of a strong Employee Health program.


Need to know who was tested? We can reprint employee testing reports if needed.

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