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Health Promotion

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Employee Wellness - Health promotion


Immunizing employees with flu shots can reduce absenteeism and occupational health costsShould you consider immunizing employees against contageous diseases?

Employers have a duty to minimize or control the health hazards to which they expose employees.    In fact, the Occupational Health & Safety Act states that employers have a duty to "take all reasonable precautions to protect the health & safety of a worker".

So, if your company exposes employees to bodily fluids or situations where they might be exposed to Blood-Borne Pathogens (Hepatitis, HIV, etc.), then implementing an immunization program is certainly a reasonable precaution to protect your employees.Immunization clinics help reduce absenteeism and control occupational health costs

Occu-Med provides workplace immunization clinics for employers -- just let us know what your issues are and we can handle the rest, including sourcing the vaccines and arranging for all the paperwork and necessary waivers and followup.

And, because we serve employers, we recognize that minimizing downtime and accomodating shift schedules is imperative.   Call us, and we'll help you work the details.

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Building Blocks: Good Health

Design templateHealth promotion acts as the foundation of a strong Employee Health program.


Need to know who was tested? We can reprint employee testing reports if needed.

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